
Envisioning regenerative new worlds of possibility, ease, spaciousness, and cosmic

Web Design & Art Direction for Creators and culture makers







To be cosmic is to be: inconceivably vast, characterized by greatness in extent, intensity or comprehensiveness


my name is Aquarius Garcelon.

I am an artist, a spirit, and a soul with desires to tend spaces of reflection, aesthetic awareness, and creative actualization. Germinating, sprouting, blossoming, wilting, decomposing, regenerating into the next iteration.

In short, I build worlds.

I act as a guide to distill your essence into visual expressions of your authentic being.

My gift is to connect to the energy of an expanding vision and to put it through a process of osmosis. Bringing the focus to the underlying themes that reflect your truth in its fullness. I do this through a process of listening, channeling, and shaping in a collaborative and fluidly iterative process that allows space and time for emerging ideas to take form.

I think of this process as a framework with three phases: Invitation, Alignment & Emergence.
The initiation space
The attunement space
The expression space
My gift is to connect to the energy of an expanding vision and to put it through a process of osmosis. Bringing the focus to the underlying themes that reflect your truth in its fullness. I do this through a process of listening, channeling, and shaping in a collaborative and fluidly iterative process that allows space and time for emerging ideas to take form.

I think of this process as a framework with three phases: Invitation, Alignment & Emergence.
The initiation space
The attunement space
The expression space

aesthetic Awareness workshop

Aesthetic Awareness Workshop Tagline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
It is my belief that we can use modern tools paired with intuition, ancient technology, ancestral wisdom, and spirituality to bring a new awareness to how we move through the world - attuned to our interconnectedness.
Aperture Vintage on Unsplash

You are the vibe, the essence, the frequency.

Stop overthinking. Speak your truth and let it seed deep into the soil. Let it develop roots, and allow it the time. Let it ripple outward, like water on a pond, like the echolocation of a bat seeking and seeing without eyes. Stop worrying about…
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Stock Image by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

Stepping through a portal of creative rebirth

Since the end of last year, an energy of change began blowing into my life. I sought a way of being and working that had the potential to encompass all of the joy, beauty, questions, struggles, transformations, and reflections on my place in the world.…
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Alchemy Sessions

Intuitive guidance & Mentorship
An activation of creative electricity & technical guidance. I provide tailored practical insights and energetic actions for artists, creatives & entrepreneurs to activate their vision in the online space.

Ask me about: design tips, website upkeep,  automations & integrations, event ticketing, tech & digital tools, email platforms, selling digital products, creative strategy, and visual identity.

An invitation to Cosmic Notes

A bi-weekly download from my creative practice + a roundup of the people, places & things that light up my universe.