Day Rates

A day for conquering the digital upkeep that may be slowing you down. This is as much about completing tasks as it is about clearing energy. You get my full attention for up to 7 hours, to accomplish virtual tasks or a creative project.
For those who need a concentrated window of technical, administrative and/or creative support.
If you've been putting off digital spring cleaning, refreshing your website, or setting up systems that will save you time and energy, this offering provides a dedicated day of support. I will be a second set of eyes and hands to sift through and clear out digital clutter. Perfect for troubleshooting bottlenecks in your processes, and simplify your existing ecosystem. I can help with setting up automations, email sequences, updating visuals, and implementing systems that bring more ease to your day to day.
The Contents
Can include any of the following:
  • Website audit & updates
  • Email sequences
  • Notion Training
  • Setting up time saving automations
  • Project Management & Workflows
  • Formatting & posting blogs & newsletters
  • Training & Tutorials
  • Ecommerce set-up
  • File Management & Organization
  • Creative Strategy Sessions

Full Day $700 USD

7 dedicated hours + 1 hour break

Half Day: $450 USD

4 dedicated hours + 1 hour break

Two Hours: $250 USD

2 dedicated hours